HC Deb 20 June 1955 vol 542 cc1003-4
1. Mr. Dodds

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what progress has been made with Argentina and Chile in settling the problem of the Falkland Island Dependencies.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Anthony Nutting)

I have nothing to add to the reply by my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary on 6th May to my hon. Friend the Member for Windsor (Mr. Mott-Radclyffe).

Mr. Dodds

But will the Minister explain why this Government have for so long been so meek and mild with Argentina and Chile? Does not he realise that much better was expected of a party which, when in opposition, had such hard words to say to us about Abadan and the Suez Canal?

Mr. Nutting

So far as Abadan and the Suez Canal are concerned, this party has settled both problems. About the Falkland Island Dependencies, we have done all that lies in our power, which is to make application to the International Court of Justice; to lay before that Court the facts of the case and the grounds upon which we consider our title to our sector of Antarctica to be firmly rooted of Antarctica law. We can do no more.

Mr. Bottomley

Is it not a fact that neither the case of Egypt nor of Abadan could have been settled by this Government had it not been for the policy of the Labour Government, and ought not the Prime Minister to give attention to these very serious matters raised by my hon. Friend?

Mr. Speaker

There is nothing about Abadan in this Question.

Mr. Shinwell

Arising out of the right hon. Gentleman's reply, is it not true to say that when the Labour Government were in office, in the case of Abadan—[HON. MEMBERS: "Order."]—this is arising out of the reply—we did precisely what the right hon. Gentleman's Government have done in the case of Argentina and Chile, that is, we made reference to the International Court of Justice? Is not that the case?

Mr. Nutting

You, Mr. Speaker, have already enjoined me not to go further than the Question on the Order Paper, but, subject to your Ruling, I would say that the questions of Abadan and the Suez Canal were settled as a result of three years of patient labour and negotiation by the present Government.