HC Deb 27 July 1955 vol 544 c1172
20. Mr. Zilliacus

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why only Europeans are appointed as honorary game rangers in Northern Rhodesia.

Mr. Hopkinson

Native authorities issue game licences and make local orders, and are empowered to enforce game legislation. There has therefore been no need to appoint Africans as honorary game rangers.

Mr. Zilliacus

Does not the Minister think that, although there is no need to do so, it might be highly advisable to do so, because the native inhabitants resent the implication that they are not fit to be entrusted with this responsibility, and consider that the game is much more theirs than that of the white inhabitants, particularly as some of the game wardens are Afrikaners, and Afrikaners have a bad reputation for poaching.

Mr. Hopkinson

In fact Africans are already carrying out many of these functions and there is nothing whatever to stop them being so nominated. I think it is quite likely that some chiefs will be nominated in the near future.