HC Deb 18 July 1955 vol 544 cc13-4
30. Mr. Gibson

asked the Minister of Health what would be the additional cost of an invalid motor built to carry two people instead of one; and what would be the estimated additional cost of maintenance.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The estimated additional capital cost is £75 per machine and the estimated total additional maintenance cost for the number now in use about £500,000 a year.

Mr. Gibson

Is the Minister aware that although the additional maintenance costs seem larger than one would expect, the actual capital cost of providing what is a much-needed service for injured people does not seem so large? Is he further aware that the first Question I put seems to have evoked a good deal of public support; that letters in the Press have led to a good deal of support for the belief that we should provide two-seater invalid cars in suitable cases where people are entitled to them? Will the Minister look at this again?

Mr. Macleod

I am looking at the matter now. I cannot agree that the sums are small. I think that 12,000 machines at £75 each capital cost and an additional £500,000 a year for maintenance, which is £40 a machine, are substantial amounts. Previous Ministers who have examined this matter have been unable to differ from the preliminary conclusion I gave to the House, but I am ready to consider this matter all the time.

Dame Florence Horsbrugh

Will my right hon. Friend see whether he can be more generous with single-seat machines? There are some cases—in regard to one of which I have been in correspondence with him—where one feels that the regulations might be relaxed slightly so as to give even a one-seater machine to invalids, and will my right hon. Friend think of that first?

Mr. Macleod

I have considerable sympathy with that point of view. I am sure that my right hon. Friend knows that in the case of motor cars, but not of motor tricycles, some of the qualifications have been relaxed, following a statement made two or three months ago by the then Prime Minister.

Mr. Simmons

Can the Minister say whether the model now being used is the original model which, I think, was found to be unsatisfactory? If it is unsatisfactory, will he consider the provision of a two-seater model to replace it?

Mr. Macleod

All that arises from this Question is the matter of figures. The costs I have used for comparison are for the latest type of motor-propelled tricycle.