HC Deb 11 July 1955 vol 543 cc1573-4
49. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Health if he has now received the views of local authorities upon the proposals of the working party on the recruitment and training of sanitary inspectors; and what further action he proposes to take in view of the shortage of sanitary inspectors and the inability of some local authorities to carry out their statutory duties.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

Not as yet from all authorities. On the second part of the Question, I cannot add to the replies given to the hon. Member for Newcastle-upon-Tyne, East (Mr. Blenkinsop) on 13th June.

Mr. Sparks

Does the hon. Lady realise that this is a very urgent matter? For a considerable time my local authority has had to manage with only two-thirds of its proper strength of sanitary inspectors. While the authority is unable to recruit its full establishment the work of the public health department must suffer. Will the hon. Lady regard this as a very urgent matter, and speed up action to the greatest possible extent?

Miss Hornsby-Smith

I certainly agree with the hon. Member that we desire to see action, but he will be aware that the recommendations of the Ministry were circulated to the appropriate bodies—very important bodies—who must have time to consider the matter. We have had a reply from the municipal corporations and the urban and rural districts, but we are still awaiting the very important observations of the Metropolitan boroughs and the county councils.

Mr. J. T. Price

Is the hon. Lady aware that the shortage of sanitary inspectors has been very gravely aggravated by the reckless and irresponsible policy of her hon. and right hon. Friends in reopening 4,000 private slaughterhouses without making preparations for all the attendant problems?

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