HC Deb 07 July 1955 vol 543 c1301
53. Dr. King

asked the Minister of Education whether he will consider the awarding of a number of additional university State scholarships in science, tenable by candidates who undertake to teach science on the completion of their university course.

Sir D. Eccles

No, Sir. I do not think it desirable to make the tenure of any awards for university courses conditional upon an undertaking of this sort.

Dr. King

Is the Minister aware that the shortage of science teachers is increasing and will continue to increase? What alternative proposals to this one has he to remedy this grave problem?

Sir D. Eccles

We are aware of the shortage of science teachers, and are doing all we can to remedy it. The Burnham Committee has recommended increased allowances, which local authorities are putting into practice. I think that we can also do a good deal by making the shortage known—and that we are also trying to do.