HC Deb 06 July 1955 vol 543 cc1126-7
48. Mr. C. I. Orr-Ewing

asked the Minister of Defence whether he will make a statement about the Soviet military aircraft recently displayed.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

I have studied the accounts given to me of the air display in Moscow last week-end. The display did not include any types of jet bombers or fighters which had not been seen before. The Soviet air force is clearly developing along the lines expected.

There is no ground for any complacency in this country with regard to the great efforts required if we are to keep pace with the Soviet development.

Mr. Orr-Ewing

Would my right hon. and learned Friend consider publishing photographs of the latest type of Russian jet aircraft, both bombers and fighters? These photographs have appeared in American journals and they might help people in this country to realise the threat if they were also published in this country? Also, would my right hon. and learned Friend consider cutting down the number of projects which we are backing in this country so that our more slender scientific effort can be used to speed up the bringing into operational use of new weapons which are badly needed to match the formidable weapons of the Russian Forces?

Mr. Lloyd

I will certainly consider the suggestion in the first part of that supplementary question. The second part opens up a wider series of problems than come within the terms of the original Question.