HC Deb 06 July 1955 vol 543 c1125
46. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Minister of Defence what recent information he has about the steps taken by the Communist countries to increase the strength of their armed forces.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

There has been a continued increase in the number of Soviet naval units, particularly submarines. New equipment is being continually developed for all their armed forces. The number of men and women in their services has remained substantially the same over the past year.

With regard to the Chinese Communists forces, there has been a steady re-equipment of their air forces with jet aircraft.

Mr. Hughes

But has the Minister any information that since the Paris Agreements were signed and German rearmament decided upon, the Communist countries have increased their armed strength, and does he think that we are relatively stronger in men and military organisation than we were before the German rearmament proposals were entered upon?

Mr. Lloyd

I have no definite information that there have been any specific measures as a result of the Paris Agreements. The matters to which I have referred are all much longer-term plans.