HC Deb 26 January 1955 vol 536 c136
23. Wing Commander Bullus

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General how many letters and parcels were handled by his Department during the Christmas period; and the figures for the previous year.

Mr. Gammans

It is estimated that 704 million letters and cards and 15 million parcels were handled during the 1954 Christmas pressure period. The corresponding figures for 1953 are 662 million letters and cards and about the same number of parcels as in 1954.

Wing Commander Bullus

Can my hon. Friend say whether this is an all-time record, and would he also convey the thanks and congratulations of the House to all concerned in the success of this massive operation?

Mr. Gammans

It is an all-time record, and I am most grateful for the remarks of my hon. and gallant Friend.