HC Deb 17 February 1955 vol 537 cc669-70
Mr. Hector Hughes

I beg to move, in page 118, line 30, at the end, to insert: (6) Section one hundred and eighty-two shall not apply to Scotland. I have already discussed this matter in connection with Clause 182. It is obvious that Clause 182 does not apply to Scotland, and I ask that that be stated in Clause 214.

The Lord Advocate

If it is obvious that the Clause does not apply to Scotland, it seems unnecessary to put in a Scottish application Clause a provision that it does not apply. Clause 182 could not possibly apply to Scotland for the reason which I gave a few moments ago. The Amendment is unnecessary.

Mr. Hughes

I purposely cut short my observations when moving the Amendment because I thought it would be accepted. I said that Clause 182 obviously does not apply to Scotland, but that may not be so obvious to all readers. Where a Clause like Clause 182, which does make sense in connection with Scotland, is inserted in a Bill, it should be expressly stated somewhere in the Bill that it applies not to Scotland but to England and Wales only. I ask the Committee to insist on the insertion of these words.

Amendment negatived.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 215 to 219 ordered to stand part of the Bill.