HC Deb 14 February 1955 vol 537 cc10-1
13. Brigadier Peto

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is aware that the standard of supply of electricity to rural areas, and to farms in particular, varies in the areas of the different boards; and if he will issue a general direction to the British Electricity Authority that priority must now be given to these areas which lag behind in order to achieve a uniform standard.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

I appreciate my hon. and gallant Friend's concern, but different areas have different problems and I do not think a direction would help.

Brigadier Peto

While realising that No. 13 is bound to be unlucky, will my right hon. Friend bring to the attention of the British Electricity Authority the need to review its annual rental charges for line, particularly to farms mainly concerned with the rearing of beef cattle and the production of sheep rather than milk production? The present scale of charges is too high for the farmers to think it worth while.

Mr. Lloyd

I will inquire into that matter.

Mr. Fort

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the British Electricity Authority should always bear in mind the question of cost in determining its charges for electricity?

Mr. Gower

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in parts of Wales there is a widespread feeling that the Principality is one of the areas which has lagged behind in this way, and will he reconsider the possibility of affording greater autonomy to the electricity industry in Wales comparable to that given to the Wales Gas Board?

Mr. Lloyd

My hon. Friend is quite right in saying that for a long time this work in Wales lagged, but a good deal of progress has been made in recent times.