HC Deb 01 February 1955 vol 536 c1029

Resolution reported, That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to make provision for the reorganisation, development and regulation of crofting in the crofting counties of Scotland, and to authorise the making of grants and loans for the development of agricultural production on crofts and the making of grants and loans towards the provision of houses and buildings for crofters, cottars and others of like economic status, it is expedient to authorise:

  1. A. The payment out of moneys provided by Parliament of expenses of the Secretary of State incurred under the said Act —
    1. (i) in defraying the expenses of the Crofters Commission established under the said Act and in paying remuneration and allowances to the members of such Commission;
    2. (ii) in acquiring compulsorily land which the Secretary of State is authorised or required by the said Act to acquire by reason of its having ceased to be required in connection with the occupation of a croft or in connection with the putting into effect of a scheme for the reorganisation of a crofting township, and in paying compensation to the owners and occupiers of such land;
    3. (iii) in providing grants and loans to persons being the tenants of crofts situate in the counties of Argyll, Caithness, Inverness, Orkney, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland and Zetland (in this Resolution referred to as "crofters" for the purpose of aiding and developing agricultural production on crofts
    4. (iv) in providing assistance by way of grants or loans or by the supply for payment in cash of building or other materials towards the erection, improvement or rebuilding of dwelling-houses and other buildings for crofters, for occupiers of holdings constituted under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act, 1897, on land acquired by the Congested Districts (Scotland) Commissioners, and for persons being the owners and occupiers of crofts who at the time of their making application for such assistance were the tenants of such crofts;
    5. (v) in providing assistance as aforesaid towards the erection, improvement or rebuilding of buildings other than dwelling-houses for owners of holdings which a re situate in the counties hereinbefore mentioned, are either of an area not exceeding fifty acres or of an annual value not exceeding fifty pounds, are owned by persons of substantially the like economic status as crofters and are occupied by the owners thereof.
  2. B. The payment into the Exchequer of sums received under the said Act by the Secretary of State.

Resolution agreed to