HC Deb 21 December 1955 vol 547 cc2000-2
16. Miss Burton

asked the Postmaster-General who has been appointed as the new Chairman of Cable and Wireless Limited.

Dr. Hill

Sir Godfrey Ince, who is shortly retiring from the post of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and National Service.

Miss Burton

While not in any way denying the ability of Sir Godfrey Ince or his right to take the post, may I ask the Minister on what ground of equity, if the new Chairman is to be paid, the Government defend their position, when an old-age pensioner cannot earn more than £2 a week without having his pension reduced?

Dr. Hill

I think that the parallel is scarcely a fair and proper one. Sir Godfrey Ince is believed to be the right man for this post, and we are fortunate to have obtained his services.

Miss Burton

Might I ask the right hon. Gentleman the grounds for that extraordinary statement? Why should anyone with more money be allowed to keep that money and add to it, whereas those who have the least of all our people are not allowed to earn more than £2 per week extra?

Dr. Hill

I am answering a Question in relation to the appointment of a Chairman to this body. I defend the appointment as right and proper. That is the limit of my obligation in the matter.

Mr. W. R. Williams

Would it not have been better to promote a younger man from within the concern? What incentive can there be to the employees in the firm to do their work when such things as this are done?

Dr. Hill

The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that a second full-time managing director was appointed to this body in March last year. This is the appointment of a Chairman, and the broad experience of Sir Godfrey Ince is believed to be needed.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Do I understand that Sir Godfrey will draw a second pension as a result of his service with Cable and Wireless Limited?

Dr. Hill

Sir Godfrey's service with Cable and Wireless Limited will be non-pensionable.