HC Deb 20 December 1955 vol 547 c1827
17. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland why he is compelling Fife County Council to supply water to the Leven Town Council on terms unfavourable to the former authority.

Mr. J. Stuart

The County of Fife (Supply to Leven Burgh) Water Order, 1955, which I made on 8th December, provides for the terms and conditions, so far as they relate to price, being fixed by agreement between the two councils, or, failing agreement, by arbitration. The question of my compelling the county council to give a supply on unfavourable terms does not therefore arise.

Mr. Hamilton

No one on Fife County Council will believe that. Is it not a fact that the Order compelling Fife County Council to supply water was made just about a week after the Minister had expressed the opinion that the price asked by Fife County Council was not unreasonable? In view of that, how does the Minister explain the laying of the Order at all? Is the explanation that the Leven Town Council is a stronghold of one of the Joint Under-Secretaries and that the Labour Party won control of Fife County Council last May?

Mr. Stuart

No, Sir. If the hon. Member reflects, I am sure he will agree that the explanation is that it was not possible to leave Leven or other towns without water if water could be provided, and that my job was to see that it was provided, and, if agreement as to price could not be reached, I had to "provide for arbitration." There was no time for me to consider the price question, for it would have taken time to get all the details. The provision of water was the essential matter.

Mr. Hamilton

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.

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