HC Deb 15 December 1955 vol 547 c1366
3. Mr. Albu

asked the Minister of Education what steps he is proposing to take to fill the gap in educational provision for those who leave school at 15 years of age which occurs between their leaving school and being called-up for National Service or commencing part-time study at technical colleges.

Sir D. Eccles

A growing number of boys undertake some form of further education between leaving school and entering on National Service; they can do this at once, even if they leave school at 15. The statement which I have just promised in answer to the hon. Member's previous Question will include my plans for increasing the number and variety of opportunities in technical colleges.

Mr. Albu

Is the Minister not aware that a large number of potential students for technical colleges and training as technicians and technologists are lost because of what is known as the gap in the educational provision for those leaving school at the age of 15? Has he observed increasing anxiety, particularly in the Report of the King George V Jubilee Trust, on this matter?

Sir D. Eccles

We should remember that the number taking part-time courses is increasing all the time, although that increase is not fast enough. I agree with the hon. Member that special steps must be taken to see that the wastage is not so great as it is at present.