HC Deb 13 December 1955 vol 547 c998
44. Air Commodore Harvey

asked the Minister of Labour why 23183307 Private William Taylor, Heathfield Camp, Honiton, Devon, details of whose case have been sent to him, was passed Grade 3 and called up for National Service in September, 1955, when in June he was operated on for the removal of a second cartilage from his knee and was in considerable pain at the time of his call-up.

Mr. Watkinson

Mr. William Taylor was called up because a National Service Medical Board was satisfied that he was fit for restricted service. That assessment was confirmed by the War Office after entry.

Air Commodore Harvey

Yes, but is my hon. Friend aware that this soldier was examined by his own doctor, who has known him since he was born, and who says that he is quite useless for military service? This soldier has done practically no work since entering the Army. Surely that is a waste for the Government, and also of the young man's time? Will my hon. Friend reconsider the case?

Mr. Watkinson

My hon. and gallant Friend asked whether this man was correctly called up on the medical evidence, and I think that our examination and the Army examination show that that was so. I am not prejudging any further inquiries that might be made, but they would have to be made by the Army authorities.

Air Commodore Harvey

Is my hon. Friend aware that this man has been called up for six months now?