§ 13. Mr. Callaghanasked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he is aware of the uncertainty created by the Cardiff Development Plan among many small owner-occupiers; and if he will take this into account when arriving at his decision.
§ Mr. SandysI am aware that objections to the Cardiff Plan were made by a number of owner-occupiers whose properties were affected. These were heard at a public inquiry; I shall take them fully into account in arriving at my decision.
§ Mr. CallaghanI am obliged to the Minister. Will he take into account the period of time over which this redevelopment is spread? Will he consider that it causes hardship to a small owner-occupier if he is told that his house is likely to be redeveloped in between six and twenty years' time? If such people could be given a little more certainty it would set their minds at rest.
§ Mr. SandysThat is one of the inescapable difficulties of planning.
§ Mr. CallaghanIs it not possible to do this in five-year stages and to say that one group will be developed in between five and ten years and another in between ten and fifteen years? Can we not have a little more precision in the time?
§ Mr. SandysPerhaps the hon. Gentleman would address his remarks to his friends in Cardiff.
§ Mr. CallaghanDoes not the Minister know that we have a Tory Council down there which is behaving disgracefully in the matter?