HC Deb 28 April 1955 vol 540 cc1055-6
27. Mr. H. Wilson

asked the Minister of Education whether he is aware that, in the new township of Kirkby, near Liverpool, voluntary schools to a total cost of £250,000 have been completed or are in course of construction; that so far no Ministry grant has been forthcoming; and whether, in view of the danger of further delay causing set-backs to the projected and approved building programme, he will take steps to assure a speedy settlement of questions outstanding.

Sir D. Eccles

An instalment of £15,738 has been paid towards the first of the three Roman Catholic Schools now being built in Kirkby. Grant on a further stage of this school and on the other two schools will be paid when the promoters let me have the particulars, for which they were asked some months ago, needed to assess the amount of grant.

Mr. Wilson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that school building in what is virtually a new town in this area is on a scale and of a complexity which probably creates unprecedented problems both for those responsible and for his Department? In view of that, would he agree, either to send one of his officers there to-survey the problem as a whole in that area, or alternatively let one of his officers receive a deputation to look into this rather complex problem?

Sir D. Eccles

I am very willing to talk to the people concerned, but I asked them last November to furnish me with a list of displaced pupils, without which I cannot calculate the grant. If the promoters will give me these facts, I will get on with these grants.

Mr. Wilson

Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise that When it is a question of building a secondary school and 30 families are arriving in this area from Liverpool every week, it is quite impossible for the promoters to know the names and addresses of the children who will be going to the new school when it is built.

Sir D. Eccles

I cannot pay a grant because I believe that sooner or later it will be justified. The promoters really must comply with the 1953 Act and let me have particulars.