HC Deb 25 April 1955 vol 540 c594
10. Mr. J. E. B. Hill

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will take steps to prevent the import of table poultry from all countries where fowl pest is endemic in view of the danger of increasing the spread and the consequent cost of eradicating this disease.

14. Mr. Bullard

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what representations he has received from firms wishing to import table poultry from the United States of America; and whether he will take steps to prevent the importation of poultry meat which might be liable to carry fowl pest disease.

Mr. Amory

The importation from the United States and elsewhere of uncooked poultry carcases which might be likely to introduce fowl pest is in general prohibited by an Order under the Diseases of Animals Act. Poultry carcases may be imported under licence from a specified area in France and a part of the Union of South Africa which are free from fowl pest, although the disease exists elsewhere in those countries. These imports are subject to stringent safeguards. There have been no representations apart from ordinary trade inquiries about canned poultry.

Mr. Bullard

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the anxiety of poultry producers, in particular, turkey producers, who have had a lot of trouble with closure orders restricting the movement of their birds over the last few months, and will he assure them that there is no possible risk of the disease coming in by this means?

Mr. Amory

Yes, Sir; I would gladly give that assurance. I am advised that there is no risk whatever of fowl pest arising from fully cooked poultry.