HC Deb 20 April 1955 vol 540 cc168-9
12. Mr. Rankin

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what institutions in Tanganyika are carrying out activities similar to the work of the extra-mural department of the University College of East Africa; and whether he will place such work under the supervision of the university to ensure academic standards.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The activities to which the hon. Member refers are carried on by the British Council and the Social Welfare Department of the Tanganyika Government. Whether the University College of East Africa should also undertake work of this nature is a question for the council of the college which, as the hon. Member already knows, is an autonomous body. The possibility of arrangements being made between the Government of Tanganyika and the university college for extra-mural work to be done in the territory will be considered by the Government of Tanganyika and the college authorities in the light of information gained from the working of a pilot scheme in Uganda.

Mr. Rankin

While recognising those factors and thanking the Minister for that helpful answer, might I ask him to put his considerable influence behind this attempt to raise the status of these institutions nearer to university level? Is he aware that the Tanganyika African National Union is very strongly of this opinion, and will he note its attitude in the matter?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I am always in favour of the bodies with the highest possible influence continuing to exercise authority both in Britain and Africa.

Mr. J. T. Price

On a point of order. In view of the fact that the Minister, in reply to Questions Nos. 10 and 12, has indicated that he has no authority over either of the matters raised, may I ask how the Questions came to be placed on the Order Paper in view of the fact that Members often have difficulty in getting such Questions on the Order Paper?

Mr. Speaker

I assume that the Secretary of State has some residual responsibility for the Colonies. Though in varying degrees in different territories there has been a delegation of authority, I see nothing prima facie out of order in the Questions.

Mr. Rankin

Is it not a fact that while devolution is continuing within the Colonies that does not rob the Minister of his influence in pressing his point of view upon them?

Mr. Speaker

That may well be so.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Further to that point. While the university college at Makerere is an autonomous body, as Members on both sides of the House know, I naturally have responsibility in regard to the Government of Tanganyika who are watching with interest the experiment now being conducted in extramural work in Uganda to see whether it is applicable to Tanganyika. The experience in one territory is frequently of much value in another.

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