HC Deb 19 April 1955 vol 540 c41

Now we must see how the Budget fits into the picture of economic policy as a whole. Hon. Members may relax for a few minutes and enjoy the usual, or I might say unusual, but essential figures summarising the out-turn for 1954–55 and the prospects for 1955–56. The full details will, of course, appear in the Financial Statement.

I should, incidentally, call the Committee's attention to a small change which I have made in this year's Financial Statement. I am sure that hon. Members will approve of anything done to reduce the volume of Government accounts without stinting the supply of useful information. My predecessor, the late Sir Stafford Cripps, introduced the alternative classification in 1948 as an experiment and with the object of stimulating discussion on the presentation of Government accounts. Since then, other and better methods of economic analysis have been developed in the annual publications of National Income and Expenditure. I have, therefore, decided that it will simplify our accounting and avoid confusion if the alternative classification is eliminated altogether from this year's Financial Statement.