HC Deb 06 April 1955 vol 539 cc1175-7
61. Mr. Grey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what grants and loans were made to the Jamaican Government as a relief measure after the 1951 hurricane; to state in detail the purpose for which they were to be used; and if these grants and loans have now been spent.

purchased by the Government in Nyasaland, the price given, and from whom it was purchased.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Yes, Sir; but, as the reply includes a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

As the answer is long and includes a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

After the hurricane. Her Majesty's Government made an immediate grant of £250,000 for relief, and subsequently agreed to make available, subject to the approval of detailed schemes, a maximum of £4,600,000 in grants and loans towards the cost of reconstruction.

Details of the reconstruction schemes and of the extent to which the moneys had been spent at the end of 1954 are given in the table below.

Scheme Approved ceiling (including amendments) Expenditure to 31st December, 1954
£ £
1. Banana rehabilitation 500,000 500,000
2. Coconut rehabilitation:
(a) Insurance 124,282 124,282
(b) Subsidies 55,000 31,885
3. Nurseries 45,000 45,000
4. Farm recovery 805,718 467,981
5. Mechanical implements 160,000 160,000
6. Rural housing 865,000 418,770
7. Urban housing 702,500 341,312
8. Aid to lower and middle income groups 282,500 21,668
9. Administration 150,000 150,000
10. Emergency building supplies 250,000 250,000
11. Denominational schools 175,000 142,401
12. University College of the West Indies 80,000 80,000
13. Repairs to Government's roads, buildings, etc. 395,000 335,794
4,590,000 3,069,093


(1) Aid to lower and middle income groups.—Originally a sum of £400,000 was made available to help householders in the lower and middle income groups to repair and reconstruct their damaged houses. The demand for such loans has never been great. In 1952 £117,500 of the sum allocated to this scheme was transferred to the rural and urban housing schemes. In view of the large amount still unspent, it is understood that the Jamaican Government intends to put in proposals for a re-allocation to some other form of hurricane reconstruction. These are awaited.

(2) The urban and rural housing programme was delayed by the need to set up a suitable organisation and by difficulties in acquiring sites, examining titles, etc. It is likely that all the money will eventually be spent.

(3) The farm recovery scheme was held up mainly because of lack of planting material. The scheme will cease when all funds are spent or when the Farm Development Programme comes into operation (whichever is the earlier). It has been one of the most beneficial projects ever undertaken for the assistance of the small farmer in Jamaica.