HC Deb 27 October 1954 vol 531 cc1913-4
32. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what arrangements have been made for the views of young people to be represented on the Independent Television Authority.

Mr. Gammans

This is a matter for the Independent Television Authority under the powers vested in them under Section 8 of the Television Act, 1954.

Mr. Jeger

As the Authority was appointed by the Minister, will the hon. Gentleman say whether it would not be desirable to have direct representation of young people's opinions on it in view of the general agreement in countries where there is commercial television that its most harmful effects are upon young pepole?

Mr. Gammans

If the hon. Gentleman is thinking of a committee of young people, then the Authority has power, if it thinks desirable, to set up such a committee. If he is thinking of matters which concern young people, it is mandatory under the Act that such a committee shall be set up.

Mr. Ness Edwards

In view of the outrageous proposals that we have read today in the Press, is not the Assistant Postmaster-General of the opinion that the Independent Television Authority ought to be brought more closely under the control of this House?

Mr. Gammans

The right hon. Gentleman's supplementary question has nothing whatever to do with the Question on the Order Paper.

Sir T. Moore

To return to the Question and the first supplementary question, if the proposal were carried to its logical conclusion, would it not mean that young people's views should also be represented in, say, the Ministry of Education?

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