HC Deb 24 November 1954 vol 533 c1238
21. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware of renewed anti-British references in the Spanish Press on the subject of Gibraltar; what protests have been made; and what replies have been received.

Sir Anthony Eden

Her Majesty's Government left the Spanish Government in no doubt as to their views on the hostile campaign in the Spanish Press earlier this year. Unfriendly references to this country on the subject of Gibraltar have of late been less frequent. Her Majesty's Government hope that this trend will continue.

Mr. Jeger

Would the Foreign Secretary consider making the nature of our protests to Spain public in order that people who at present are contemplating going on holidays to that country, and spending their money there, might know how hostile the Spanish Government really are to the best interests of this country?

Sir A. Eden

As I say, there has been some improvement in this respect, and perhaps we had better watch and see how that develops.

Mr. F. M. Bennett

Irrespective of the broad question of Gibraltar, on which the Foreign Secretary obviously has the support of the whole House and the country, is it not a fact that for years past certain Left-wing sections of the Press have carried on a campaign of villification against Spain, and would my right hon. Friend not agree that the maintenance of international relations is a two-way and not a one-way traffic?