HC Deb 23 November 1954 vol 533 cc1041-2
42. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government, in view of the widespread public interest, if he will make a statement on the initial effect of the Housing Repairs and Rents Act in connection with the aim to check decay of older houses.

44. Mr. Morley

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he will make a statement on the operation to date of the Housing Repairs and Rents Act in connection with the improvement of the state of controlled dwellinghouses.

Mr. Sandys

Yes, Sir, but not immediately.

Mr. Dodds

Since we have twice heard references to "shortly," will the right hon. Gentleman say how soon he expects to be able to make a statement, because some very authoritative statements are being made that the object of the Act is failing and that the older houses are not being put into decent repair?

Mr. Sandys

The Act has been in operation only a few months. It is, obviously, much too soon to judge its effects. If the hon. Member would care to put down a Question in, say, six months' time, I will consider what information can be given to him.

Mr. Morley

Did the Minister read the statement recently in the "News Chronicle" that, in practice, the Act is. becoming a dead letter, because landlords are afraid to send in notices under the Act in case tenants should apply for and get certificates of disrepair? Will the right hon. Gentleman, in the coming Session, introduce legislation to place all rented houses under municipal ownership, so that the repairs will be done?

Mr. Gower

Do not all these suggestions disprove the original allegations that the Act was a "landlords' ramp"?