HC Deb 18 November 1954 vol 533 cc565-6
53. Mr. Snow

asked the Minister of Education what plans have been made for the education of children from the Pear Tree Estate, Rugeley, Staffordshire, bearing in mind the recent completion of this estate and the abnormal sudden addition to the local school population.

Sir D. Eccles

All Rugeley children of statutory school age have been accommodated this term. A new primary school at Raven's Hill is expected to open after Easter. I understand that the local education authority also plan to begin early next year the building of an infants' school on the Pear Tree estate and an instalment of a secondary modern school.

Mr. Snow

While that all sounds very fine, is this not a characteristic case of the Government knowing full well that the new estate was to be completed, and yet the educational facilities will not be ready for nearly two years?

Sir D. Eccles

Considering the extraordinarily rapid rate at which the coal-miners' houses were put up, I think that Staffordshire has done very well.

Mr. Snow

Not with the right hon. Gentleman's help.