HC Deb 09 November 1954 vol 532 c1035
34. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the President of the Board of Trade why Her Majesty's Government have not yet taken steps to ratify the Universal Copyright Convention.

Mr. H. Strauss

Legislation to amend the Copyright Act, 1911, is necessary before ratification. It has not yet been possible to introduce such legislation.

Mr. Robinson

Why the continued delay in this matter, when the Government have had more than two years to think it over and prepare legislation? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the signing of this Convention would be of great value to this country and to our export trade? Is he further aware that the United States, which has long lagged behind in the matter of copyright, has signed it, and will he tell us why the Government do not give time to constructive Measures like this instead of wasting the time of the House with less essential matters?

Mr. Strauss

I appreciate the interest taken in this important topic, but I cannot add to my answer.