HC Deb 12 May 1954 vol 527 cc1206-8
10. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General how many sub-post offices exist in the borough of Leyton; how many of these are likely to be closed in view of the expansion of services and transactions; and what are the requirements of his Department in respect of extended facilities in sub-post offices when this is made necessary by the increased number of persons who attend sub-post offices.

Mr. Gammans

Seventeen, it is not the present intention to close any of them. Sub-postmasters are expected to provide sufficient accommodation and staff to enable the public to transact their business with reasonable despatch. If the hon. Member has any particular case of difficulty in mind and will let me have details, I shall be glad to have inquiries made.

Mr. Sorensen

Is any consideration given to the question of space in some of these sub-post offices? There may be certain facilities, but sometimes in some sub-post offices there is a good deal of overcrowding.

Mr. Gammans

The trouble lies in the number of transactions which the Post Office has to carry out, and the work increases every year. Some sub-post offices which were quite large enough a few years ago are certainly getting overcrowded now.

Mr. Sorensen

What will be done about the sub-post offices which are becoming overcrowded?

Mr. Gammans

The idea is either to open more sub-post offices or, if it is feasible to enlarge existing ones.

12. Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what progress has been made in providing another sub-post office in Brixton to replace the one formerly operated on the premises of Bon Marché Limited, Brixton Road, S.W.9.

Mr. Gammans

Since I replied to the hon. and gallant Member's last Question on this subject the vacancy has been advertised twice, but without success. We intend to advertise it again, and I should be grateful for any help the hon. and gallant Member can give in the matter.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Is the Assistant Postmaster-General aware that it has already proved quite impossible to find a sub-postmaster willing to undertake the job on the present inadequate scales? In those circumstances, will he consider opening a new Crown office in the Brixton Road at the interception with Stockwell Road, because the volume of postal business there would amply justify such action?

Mr. Gammans

I am not quite as pessimistic as the hon. and gallant Gentleman is. I still hope that, with more advertisements and also with such help as he himself can give us, we may find someone.

13. Mr. Deedes

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what action he proposes to take in response to the petition from residents of Tenterden for a sub-post office at the western end of the borough.

Mr. Gammans

I have looked personally into the matter raised by the petition, but I am sorry that I should not be justified in present circumstances in providing a new sub-post office, as the suggested site is barely half a mile from the existing Crown office in Tenterden.

Mr. Deedes

Is my hon. Friend aware that in this case as distinct from a great many cases of this sort which come to him, there is a tenant who is willing to act on his behalf as the sub-post office tenant, and that there is a pressing local need for this sub-post office?

Mr. Gammans

My difficulty, I am afraid, is that, unless we are going to change the standard under which we open new post offices, this case does not justify our opening a new office. If we were to change the standard, the cost of postal services would without doubt rise.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Will the Assistant Postmaster-General ascertain whether the gentleman in Tenterden who is willing to open a sub-post office can be persuaded to come to Brixton? I cannot find anyone at Brixton.

Mr. Gammans

I suggest that the hon. and gallant Gentleman gets in touch with my hon. Friend the Member for Ashford (Mr. Deedes) to enable them to ascertain what they can do in the matter.