HC Deb 11 March 1954 vol 524 cc2424-5
31 Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Health whether he will permit consultants who are engaged on a full-time salaried basis, to make domiciliary visits when requested, and receive payment on the same scale as now applies to consultants working part-time.

Mr. Iain Macleod

Under the arrangements agreed in 1949, additional payment may not be made for domiciliary consultations by whole-time officers. Any alteration of this provision would be a matter for the Medical Whitley Council.

Dr. Stross

Whilst recognising what the Minister has said to be quite true, may I ask whether he is aware, however, that these men working full-time on consultant service have no perquisites and no allowances, and that on average their income is somewhat less than the income not only of part-time men but of general practitioners nowadays? Will not the right hon. Gentleman do something to see that their status is recognised?

Mr. Macleod

I recognise the justice of a good deal, if not necessarily agreeing with all, of what the hon. Member has said. He will realise that part of these complications arise out of an agreement negotiated in 1949 and part indeed by the ordinary operation of the Income Tax laws of this country relating to whole-time appointments. It is precisely these kinds of matters—and I take note of what the hon. Member has said—that will come before the Whitley Council.

Mr. Bevan

May I express the hope that the right hon. Gentleman will not solve the problem by converting all the full-time salaried staff to part-time, because that might be the consequence of my hon. Friend's suggestion?

Mr. Macleod

There are varied trends and different views in different regions of the country in relation to this matter.

Dr. Srross

Is the Minister aware that 1 put this Question down because people like myself recognise the very excellent work that is done by these full-time men but the last thing that we want is to reduce the status of the part-time people?

Mr. Macleod

I recognise that, but do not let us pretend that the standard of conduct or anything else is higher or lower among part-time men or full-time men. They are all members of the same profession.