HC Deb 08 March 1954 vol 524 c1711
4. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in view of the failure of several Governments to respond to the United Nations Refugee Emergency Fund and the consequential closing down of many assistance projects, whether Her Majesty's Government will approach other Governments that have made contributions with a view to making a joint appeal or approach for contributions from those Governments that have not made contributions.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Douglas Dodds-Parker)

While Her Majesty's Government have every sympathy with the hon. Member's aims, they do not consider the methods of approach which he suggests would be appropriate. Her Majesty's Government believe that they should work through established United Nations Agencies rather than act unilaterally.

Mr. Sorensen

But is the Joint Undersecretary of State aware that the method to which he has obviously given some approval has not been effective because a number of Governments are either not contributing as much as they should or are not contributing anything at all? In these circumstances, and knowing the sympathy of the Government with this project, does he not think that my proposal might bear fruit?

Mr. Dodds-Parker

We hope that if the High Commissioner and the British member on the advisory committee continue their efforts, it will produce the result which the hon. Member wants.