HC Deb 04 March 1954 vol 524 cc1356-8
46. Mr. Foot

asked the Minister of Health what cuts in services he expects the Plymouth, South Devon and East Cornwall Hospital Management Committee will have to make as a result of the money allocated for 1954–55 by the regional hospital board.

Mr. Iain Macleod

I understand that the board is considering with the committee the possibility of closing two units which are not fully used, but it does not at present appear that there need by any reduction in adequate services.

Mr. Foot

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when he talks about two units not fully used, what he really means is that his policy is to compel the Plymouth board and the area management committee to close down two maternity hospitals and another hospital which have been part of the expansion campaign over the last few years? Indeed, he is compelling the management committee in this area to reverse the policy of previous years and to cut down the hospital services in the whole area?

Mr. Macleod

I do not accept that for one moment. The allocation to this hospital management committee, as I said before, has, in fact, gone up and not down. The first reaction of Mr. Medland, the chairman, was to say that he would be compelled to close two maternity homes, a training school and a hospital for the chronic sick. I fully agree with the hon. Member that if that is the reaction to an offer to increase moneys we must look very carefully into the administration there.

Brigadier Rayner

Will my right hon. Friend confirm once again that the money allotted to this hospital management committee for the present year is more, and not less, than the amount allotted last year? Does it not seem that our former, respected colleague, Mr. Medland, is trying to centralise activities in Plymouth, and will my right hon. Friend endeavour to discourage this centralisation?

Mr. Macleod

The answer to the first part of that Question is "Yes." In reply to the second part, these matters are at present under consideration between the South-West Regional Board, in which I have full confidence, and the hospital management committee. Indeed, I believe the board is meeting today. It is far wiser to leave that discussion to go through the usual channels and to see then whether a case has been made for or against the allocation.

Mr. Foot

Instead of making any reflection upon Mr. Medland, the chairman of the management committee, would the Minister take into account that Mr. Medland has had the full support of his management committee in stating that the amount of money allocated was exactly the same as last year and took no account of the increase of £25,000 which had to go to meet extra charges, partly, as I have said, for salaries? Therefore, will not the right hon. Gentleman withdraw the reflection which he made on the management committee, who are trying to maintain the National Health Service instead of reducing it, as, apparently, is the purpose of the right hon. Gentleman?

Mr. Macleod

I have no intention of withdrawing anything that I said. This matter is one that should be discussed by the regional board and the management committee. It is far better that it should be done that way rather than to hold Press conferences or to make statements in "Tribune," as was done for another purpose.