HC Deb 29 June 1954 vol 529 cc1258-9
Dr. Hill

I beg to move, in page 11, line 15, to leave out from the beginning, to "where" in line 27, and to insert: (2) In ascertaining for the purposes of this section what was at any material time the value of a person's interest in premises or land held therewith, the following provisions shall apply, that is to say:—

  1. (a) the value of the interest at the material time shall be taken to be the amount which the interest would have realised at that time on a sale thereof in the open market by a willing seller;
  2. (b) account shall be taken of the value of any plant or machinery, being fixtures, which were on the premises at the said time;
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  4. (c) in relation to the value of the interest before the event giving rise to compensation under this section in respect of that interest, it shall be assumed that the sale referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection would have been to a purchaser having reason to suppose that an application by him to the local authority for a registration in respect of the premises would be granted subject to the premises being, or being rendered, suitable for use as a slaughterhouse;
  5. (d) subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection, no regard shall be had to goodwill or to any other matter not directly based on the value of the premises or land as such (3)
I need say no more than that this Amendment brings the compensation position of Scotland into line with the 'previous Amendment, which related to England and Wales.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 11, line 35, leave out "said Act of 1919," and insert: Acquisition of Lands (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919."—[Dr. Hill.]

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.