HC Deb 28 June 1954 vol 529 cc870-1
2. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is satisfied that good co-operation has been arranged between the Ministries affected, the British Electricity Authority, the Atomic Energy Authority and manufacturers so that the generation of electricity can be obtained from nuclear energy as soon as possible and contracts undertaken for plant for other countries.

31. Mr. Palmer

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the nature and method of the co-operation to be established between the British Electricity Authority and the proposed Atomic Energy Authority.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

Co-operation is already close and continuous in all matters affecting the generation of electricity. As stated in another place, the Atomic Energy Authority will not itself generate electricity except as a by-product of the manufacture of fissile material or as a product of experimental power stations, nor will it compete with the electricity boards, but will offer them any electricity generated that may be surplus to its own requirements.

Mr. Smith

Having been in this since the beginning, and seen the very fine work carried out by our scientists, engineers and manufacturers, has not the time arrived when the Minister should see that there is maximum co-operation between all concerned so that we can keep in the forefront of world development in this matter?

Mr. Lloyd

In co-operation with other Ministers, I have already secured that. Indeed, there is a special programme of collaboration between the Atomic Energy Department and the British Electricity Authority, and also private manufacturers.

Mr. Palmer

Will the Minister consider pressing upon his colleagues the possibility of common appointments to the boards of these corporations?

Mr. Lloyd

Naturally, the appointments are made after consultation between Ministers.