HC Deb 24 June 1954 vol 529 cc578-9
30. Mr. P. Wells

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware of the growing concern at the increasing incidence of accidents on farms; and whether he will take steps to bring the agricultural industry within the accident prevention provisions of the Factories Act.

Sir T. Dugdale

I am aware of the general concern felt at the number of accidents on farms, and I share it; but I have no information to suggest that the number is increasing. My Department has discussed with the interests concerned certain suggestions for giving effect to the recommendations of the Cowers Committee in relation to agriculture, but I cannot say when it will be possible to introduce legislation.

Mr. Wells

Could the right hon. Gentleman say when he will be able to reach a decision in this matter?

Sir T. Dugdale

No, Sir. This is a question of legislation, and I cannot give any indication when it will be possible to introduce it.

Dr. Stross

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the United States several of the states have statutory safety committees in agriculture? Would it not be worthwhile if we were to imitate all the good things from there?

Sir T. Dugdale

I will certainly take note of what the hon. Gentleman says.