HC Deb 22 June 1954 vol 529 c225
36. Mr. Grimond

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many applications for permission to move overseas have been received under Section 468 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1952; and how man\ have been refused.

Commodity Procurement Authorisation Value Quantity purchased to date* Value of purchase f.o.b.*
$m. $m
Tobacco 20.0 26–27 million pounds 20.0
Prunes 5.0 12,700 tons 4.8
Lard 8.0 15,700 tons 7.5
Cottonseed oil 11.0 12,000 tons 3.4
Beef 17.25 Nil
Oranges 1.5 Nil
Grapefruit 0.5 15,073 boxes (of about 40 lbs.) 0.059
Tinned grapefruit 0.5 149,416 boxes (of 24 16 oz. tins) 0.462
Tinned apricots and peaches 2.5 9,437 tons 2.5
*Quantity and value figures are actuals in the case of Ministry of Food purchases, but in the case of private imports represent contracts notified to the Departments concerned.