HC Deb 17 June 1954 vol 528 c2263
28. Mr. C. Hughes

asked the Minister of Agriculture the number of farmers in Anglesey that have a piped water supply; and what percentage this comprises of the total number of farms on the island.

Sir T. Dugdale

No precise figures are available, but it is estimated that about 15 per cent. of farms in Anglesey have a piped water supply. The position should improve when the county council's comprehensive mains supply scheme is completed. My Department will grant-aid approved schemes for connecting farms to the mains.

Mr. Hughes

Is the Minister aware that the figure of 15 per cent, is very low compared with the rest of the country, and that the county water committee are finding it extremely difficult to make progress with their water scheme, in spite of splendid efforts, because of the high capital cost? Can he assist the county water committee in view of the large amount of unemployment in Anglesey?

Sir T. Dugdale

I cannot reply to all those questions by way of Question and answer, but I would like to tell the hon. Gentleman that Anglesey has done very well during these last 11 years. Although the percentage is much lower than in other parts of the country, the figure for Anglesey has improved from 5 per cent. in 1941–43 to about 15 per cent. today, which is very much greater.