HC Deb 22 July 1954 vol 530 cc1538-9
14. Mr. Mikardo

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that a smoke pipe was inserted in the Dellwood Maternity Home, Reading, within 8¼ inches of a timber wallplate, in defiance of a byelaw which specifies that the minimum distance shall be nine inches; and what action he proposes to take in the matter.

Mr. Iain Macleod

It is by no means clear that the byelaw specifying a minimum distance of nine inches was applicable to this particular case. As I said in answer to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for Reading, North (Mr. F. M. Bennett), on 8th July, my right hon. Friend the Minister of Housing and Local Government is considering possible strengthening of the relevant byelaws.

Mr. Mikardo

Can the Minister say what is the source of doubt about whether it is applicable because, as I read it, subsection 1 of byelaw 63 of the Reading Borough Council would apply.

Mr. Macleod

Perhaps the hon. Member would like to talk to me about this later. I understand that there is another byelaw which says that the byelaw to which he has referred shall not apply in certain circumstances which, as I read it, include the circumstances of this installation.

15. Mr. Mikardo

asked the Minister of Health if he will ensure that installations of small domestic hot water supply boilers in buildings within the hospital service shall conform to the British Code of Practice No. CP 403.101 (1952).

Mr. Iain Macleod

I am advised that it would not be appropriate to require compliance with this Code of Practice in all circumstances, but I am considering what guidance should be given to hospital authorities.

Mr. Mikardo

While I thank the Minister for that reply and appreciate that retroactive action would sometimes be very expensive, may I ask whether he will have a look at the possibility of applying it to future buildings as is done, for example, by the London County Council?

Mr. Macleod

Yes. I think it is probably appropriate that I should draw the attention of my right hon. Friend the Minister of Housing and Local Government to what the hon. Member has said.