HC Deb 12 July 1954 vol 530 cc5-6
10. Mrs. Castle

asked the Minister of Food why he has decided to discontinue publication of his Department's bulletin.

Dr. Hill

The bulletin was no longer required as a medium of information for the Ministry's local staffs and the loss on publication could not be justified when rationing ended.

Mrs. Castle

Has the hon. Gentleman's decision anything to do with the fact that the latest issue of the bulletin shows the general public that last year they consumed fewer calories, proteins and carbohydrates than when the present Government came into office and that they ate less meat, oils and fats and eggs than pre-war?

Dr. Hill

If there were any sinister purpose, we should continue the publication of the bulletin in order to show a vastly improved situation this year.

Mrs. Castle

Is it not the hon. Gentleman's duty to protect the consumer, and is it not of value to us to know the effects of the Government's food policies on food consumption?

Dr. Hill

The information will still be available, but this publication, intended for the Ministry's regional and local offices, and losing £50 a week, has properly been brought to an end with the end of food rationing.

Dr. Summerskill

Is it not a fact that in a previous reincarnation the hon. Gentleman used to disseminate this kind of information on the radio. Since that has stopped, does he not think that it should be continued in this manner?

Dr. Hill

I admit that I disseminated information in a way which was freer from statistics than the Ministry bulletin.

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