HC Deb 01 July 1954 vol 529 cc1594-5
Mr. Joynson-Hicks

I beg to move, in page 50, line 15, to leave out paragraph (b), and to insert: (b) unless he is the manager of the mine, he shall, forthwith after complying with the foregoing paragraph, give, to his immediate superior and the person in charge of any other part of the mine appearing to him to be likely to be affected, notice of the fact that inflammable gas is present at the said place in a concentration deemed as aforesaid to be excessive. This is with regard to withdrawal of workmen in the case of danger. The Clause requires that if a person takes a prescribed action in withdrawing persons in a case of danger, he must immediately notify his superior. The object of the Amendment is to redraft the Clause to make the phraseology more clear, and. at the same time, to make it clear that the manager does have to report.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

I beg to move, in line 22, to leave out from beginning, to "he," in line 23, and to insert: so soon after complying with paragraph (b) of this subsection (or, in a case where that paragraph does not apply, paragraph (a) of this subsection) as it is possible so to do without undue risk. We now come to a series of Amendments which are designed to provide that the examination of the affected area shall not be made too soon, but only as soon as reasonable, having regard to safety considerations. Then follows the Amendment which has the effect that the report shall be made, not at once, but as soon as reasonable, because it is most important that the actual work of safety should be carried on before the report is made.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 51, line 12, leave out "As soon as reasonably practicable after," and insert. "Where."

In line 15, leave out from "it," to "particulars." in line 17, and insert: shall record in a book to be provided for that purpose by the owner of the mine.

In line 20, leave out from "of," to "and," in line 22, and insert, "subsection (1) of this section."

In line 33, leave out from "than," to end of line 36, and insert: two per cent. by volume or, if a greater percentage by volume (not exceeding two and a half) is prescribed, that greater percentage.

In line 40, leave out from "than," to "or," in line 44, and insert: one and a quarter per cent. by volume, or if a smaller percentage by volume is prescribed, that smaller percentage."—[Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd.]

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

I beg to move, in page 51, line 45, to leave out "a gas cap," and to insert "an indication of gas."

This gives effect to my undertaking to find a substitution for the words "a gas cap," in relation to a discovery of gas.

Amendment agreed to.