HC Deb 01 July 1954 vol 529 cc1575-6

Amendments made: In page 31, line 13, leave out from "notice," to "specifying," in line 14.

In line 20, at end, insert: The provisions of Part XV of this Act with respect to references upon notices served by inspectors shall apply to a notice served under this subsection."—[Mr. Joynson-Hicks.]

Mr. Joynson-Hicks

I beg to move, in page 31, line 44, after which," to insert: he has reason to believe. This Amendment is moved in response to an undertaking given by my right hon. Friend to try to meet this problem, which is the right of the workman to judge for himself whether he should set a support or should take some action of that sort himself, or whether he should rely upon the deputy to tell him whether or not a support should be set. We had a considerable discussion about this in Committee, but were unable entirely to agree as to what was the right thing to do.

The upshot of the argument was that a man should have the right to set a support and should be justified in so doing if he has reason to believe that it is necessary. That is what this Amendment does. It gives effect to the promise given by my right hon. Friend by not referring to the supports which are necessary, because that would raise issues as to who was to decide whether they were necessary or not, but by referring to the supports which the workman himself has reason to believe should be set up.

Amendment agreed to.