HC Deb 28 January 1954 vol 522 cc1945-6
19. Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Education how many teachers in schools under her control have been charged with, and found guilty of, offences against pupils during the last 12 months; and what steps she has taken, or intends to take, to prevent this practice growing in the country's schools

Miss Horsbrugh

In 1953, 24 such cases were reported to me by local education authorities under long-standing regulations of my Department. All these teachers, together with others who committed other forms of misconduct, were excluded from further teaching in schools under my control.

Mr. Lewis

I am pleased that the figure is not too large, but would the right hon. Lady say what is the position in private schools? Has she had any reports about private schools? It seems to me that that is where the practice is most prevalent.

Miss Horsbrugh

I could not give the hon. Member a report from the independent schools. I think it would not be wise to make any comparisons between schools and to suggest that this practice is more prevalent in one place than in another. Arrangements exist for advising schools recognised as efficient, in any case which comes to our notice, and if any properly authorised inquirer were to ask any questions about teachers on the excluded list my Department would give him any information which it could properly give.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Will the Minister confirm that it is possible for any of the 24 teachers concerned in the cases to which she has referred to go on teaching with impunity under the present law, as administered by her Department?

Miss Horsbrugh

I have already pointed out what can be done and what is being done. I think it would be wiser if I did not go into that subject any further.