HC Deb 28 January 1954 vol 522 c1948
23. Miss Bacon

asked the Minister of Education how many classes there were of over 60, over 50 and over 40 on the last available date

Miss Horsbrugh

I have no more recent figures than those which I circulated on 22nd October last, in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I can add only that of the 42 classes in secondary schools with over 50 pupils shown there, nine were reported to have classes with over 60 pupils; but these have been found, on investigation, to be assembled only for registration purposes and the pupils were, in fact, being taught in much smaller groups.

Miss Bacon

Can the right hon. Lady say what the figures were in October?

Miss Horsbrugh

I have no more recent figures. The hon. Lady will find them in Hansard.