HC Deb 27 January 1954 vol 522 cc1734-5
36 and 38. Mr. Fell

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General (1) what field tests have been carried out in East Anglia in connection with the television transmitter proposed to be erected at Tacolneston, and when Great Yarmouth can expect to receive television transmissions;

(2) when the proposed temporary ½ kilowatt television station will be transmitting from Tacolneston; what area he expects the station to cover; and how long it will be before the proposed 2 kilowatt transmitter will replace the temporary transmitter.

Mr. Gammans

The B.B.C. hopes to provide a temporary station within 12 months to serve Norwich and its immediate surroundings. Great Yarmouth will be served by the permanent station, which is expected to be ready by early 1956. I am informed that the Corporation has not found it necessary to carry out field tests for this station.

Mr. Fell

May I ask my hon. Friend what all that means? Why has the B.B.C. not considered it necessary to carry out field tests before announcing that a station is going to be set up in a particular area with a transmitter at a particular place? Further, why has it been announced by a B.B.C. engineer—and contradicted this afternoon by the Assistant Postmaster-General—that the temporary station at Tacolneston will be ½ kilowatt and the permanent station will be 2 kilowatt? May I further inquire why it is that this station, which has been a long time in coming, is now going to be delayed a further two years when private enterprise—

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member should come to the point of his supplementary.

Mr. Fell

I will, of course, defer immediately, Sir, to your wish that I should come to the point, but unfortunately so many Questions have been answered together that there is more than one point.

My major point is as to why it is that East Anglia—as far as my constituency, Cambridge and other parts are concerned—has to wait another two years to get television service, when private enterprise could have done it, and offered to do it, within nine to 12 months?

Mr. Gammans

The reason why the hon. Gentleman's part of the world has to wait is because the B.B.C. has a very big programme on its plate.

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