HC Deb 21 January 1954 vol 522 cc1186-8
26 and 27. Mr. Morley

asked the Minister of Education (1) the average amount spent by local education authorities on university awards per head of the population, and the separate figures for Hampshire, Dorset, Gloucester, Wiltshire, Glamorganshire and the County Borough of Bath;

(2) the average number of university awards, per 10,000 of the population, made by local education authorities, with the separate figures for Hampshire, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire. Glamorganshire and the County Borough of Bath.

Miss Horsbrugh

As the answer contains a large number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Morley

Will the Minister explain what representations were made, or it is intended to make, to the local education authorities who award a very low number?

Miss Horsbrugh

As the hon. Gentleman knows, we have had a good deal of consultation during the past year about awards. I believe that the position is better now both as to the method and the amount of awards.

Miss Bacon

On a point of order. I asked the right hon. Lady a similar Question to Question No. 26 on 26th November, Sir, and received a Written reply. The figures which she gave me, both for the total and the average amounts, were widely quoted in the national and educational Press. Subsequently, I received a letter from her Department to the effect that the figures she had given me were substantially wrong. Will the right hon. Lady make it quite clear that in the answer to Question No. 26 the figures will be revised figures?

Mr. Speaker

Order. That is a supplementary question masquerading as a point of order.

Miss Bacon

But I am the only person who knows that the figures which the right hon. Lady gave me are wrong and those figures have been widely quoted.

Mr. Speaker

I am not denying that the hon. Lady may have a legitimate complaint, but she should not put it forward as a point of order, which is the only thing with which I can deal.

Following are the figures:

Average amount spent per head of population 1951–52
(Based on estimated population all ages, 1 per cent. sample from 1951 census).
Average per head of total population academic year 1951–52
England and Wales 0.12
Dorset 0.13
Hampshire 0.07
Gloucestershire 0.14
Wiltshire 0.12
Glamorgan 0.30
Bath C.B. 0.14
Note.—These are the latest figures available. The figures for 1952–53 will not be available until approximately the end of February.
New awards taken up in 1952
Estimated population age 5–14 years (1 percent. sample from 1951 census) Total of new awards taken up in 1952 Total of new awards taken up in 1952 per 10,000 age 5–14 estimated population
Total for whole of England and Wales 6,013,900 9,623 16.0
Dorset 36,100 47 13.0
Hampshire 87,400 75 8.6
Gloucestershire 69,100 66 9.6
Wiltshire 52,100 53 10.2
Glamorganshire 109,000 394 36.1
Bath C.B. 9,900 20 20.2
Note.—These are the latest figures at present available. The figures for 1953 will not be available until approximately the end of February.