HC Deb 24 February 1954 vol 524 cc390-1
26. Mr. Wade

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has a statement to make on the economic development of Cyprus.

Mr. Lyttelton

The Cyprus development programme entails expenditure of nearly £7½ million during the 10-year period up to March, 1956. About £2 million of this will come from Colonial Development and Welfare funds. Prominent developments are, agricultural and irrigation schemes, medical and health services, harbour and road improvements and village public services. Outside the development programme the Public Loan Fund, financed by the Cyprus Government, will lend £3 million for municipal and village development. About £5 million, of which a large part has already been raised in London, is also expected to be spent on the central electrification scheme.

Mr. Wade

Can the right hon. Gentleman say to what extent the tragic disaster to which reference has just been made will result in a delay in the economic development of the island? Is there any truth in the statement made in some quarters that it will put development back for five years?

Mr. Lyttelton

Without notice I would rather hesitate to commit myself on that, but I would have thought—perhaps the hon. Member will take this reply with reserve—that such an estimate was widely out.

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