HC Deb 17 February 1954 vol 523 cc1974-5
33. Mrs. Ford

asked the Minister of Food whether he is now in a position to announce the date for the derationing of meat.

34. Mr. W. R. A. Hudson

asked the Minister of Food to make a statement regarding the derationing and decontrol of fresh meat.

35. Sir I. Fraser

asked the Minister of Food whether he is now in a position to announce a date for the end of meat rationing; and whether he will indicate the level of the ration during the intervening period.

Dr. Hill

The closely related datesfor the removal of the controls on the sale and slaughter of home produced fatstock will be discussed with representatives of producers, the trade and other parties concerned, and announced later.

What I can say is that meat and bacon rationing will end during the first half of July. This will be the final step in the dismantling of the war-time food rationing system.

Mrs. Ford

Is my hon. Friend aware that his announcement will give great pleasure to the housewives of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and that he and his right hon. and gallant Friend deserve the congratulations of this House, and indeed of the whole country, for having already so nearly achieved their own political self-liquidation?

Mr. Chetwynd

During the last remaining months of the Minister's occupation of his office, will he exert all his energies to bringing down the prices of these foods, because in the past he has used all his energies to put up the prices?

Mr. Hudson

Is my hon. Friend aware that he and his right hon. and gallant Friend the Minister will be held in high regard for having arranged for ample supplies of red meat?

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Can the Minister say to what extent the announcement he has just made will or will not entail another Supplementary Estimate before 31st March this year?

Dr. Hill

I am sorry that the hon. and gallant Gentleman seeks to complicate this announcement—[HON. MEMBERS: "Answer."]—with questions which he knows I shall not answer.

Mr. Mellish

Can we have an assurance that, when the right hon. and gallant Gentleman and the Parliamentary Secretary get kicked out of the Ministry of Food, they will not transfer to the Ministry of Labour because, if they do, we shall have a general strike every week?

Sir I. Fraser

Whilst addingmy congratulations, may I ask my hon. Friend if, seeing that this decision gravely affects the agricultural industry, he has taken steps to consult the industry and will carry it along with him in moving forward to this better and freer era?

Dr. Hill

Clearly it is desirable that the decontrol should happen at the beginning of the flush period, and that is the consideration which we have had in mind in choosing that date.

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