HC Deb 16 February 1954 vol 523 cc1801-2
25. Mr. Foot

asked the Secretary of State for War for what military purposes the Citadel on Plymouth Hoe is now maintained; what is the annual cost of maintaining the establishment; and how many persons are permanently stationed there.

Mr. Head

The Citadel is used by the Headquarters, Plymouth Garrison; 47 Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery; Headquarters, Coast Artillery Training Centre and School of Coast Artillery; and the garrison officers'mess. The present strength of these units is 42 officers and 455 other ranks. Also in the Citadel is a Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes families'shop and in or alongside it there are 45 married quarters. Last year the maintenance cost of the buildings, etc., was about £17,000.

Mr. Foot

In view of the military insignificance of this place, would the Minister consider handing it over to the Plymouth Corporation as some compensation for the various acts of aggression which his Department has carried out on Plymouth Hoe and which constitute the most successful military operation that has distinguished his term of office?

Mr. Head

I cannot consider that 42 officers and 455 other ranks are something of military insignificance. I understand that my hon. Friend the Undersecretary of State had a very successful interview with the Lord Mayor ofPlymouth. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will get in touch with him.

Mr. Foot

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, so far from that interview being successful, only a very small amount of land was restored by his Department to the Plymouth Corporation and whole areas which were once held by Plymouth have now been taken from us by his Department? It seems that the conference was as successful as his other military campaigns?

Mr. Head

I think I ought to point out to the hon. Gentleman that if these lands were to be handed back they would not be handed to Plymouth but to the Commissioners of Crown Lands.

Mr. Foot

Very well, try that for a start.

Mr. Nicholson

Can my right hon. Friend assure the House that the Citadel is well protected against any assault by the Devonport Foot?

Mr. Head

We hope to head them off.

Mr. Foot

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this Citadel was first established in the reign of Charles II to try to cow the ancestors of the Foot family, and that it is time they got some recompense for the thievery which went on in the time of the Stuarts?