§ 60. Mr. Pageasked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what tonnage of shipbuilding has been ordered by United Kingdom shipowners from European shipyards during the past 12 months.
§ Mr. Boyd-CarpenterI regret that I have not the information for which my hon. Friend asks. For over three years United Kingdom shipowners have been free to place orders in European shipyards without informing Her Majesty's Government. I can, however, say that, in the past 12 months, of the total new tonnage added to the United Kingdom register about 41,000 gross tons or 4 per cent. was built in Europe.
§ Mr. PageIs not my right hon. Friend aware of several substantial orders which have been placed in recent months by British shipowners with Continental yards because British shipbuilders were unable to quote fixed prices, and can my right hon. Friend do anything to assist the British shipbuilders in that respect?
§ Mr. Boyd-CarpenterI am certain that it would not assist British shipbuilders to consider re-imposing restrictions of one kind or another. One has to bear in mind the large tonnage built in British yards through foreign orders.
§ Mr. AwberyCan the right hon. Gentleman explain why British shipowners, who are clamouring for British trade, are sending their orders for new ships to the Continent?
§ Mr. Boyd-CarpenterThe latest figure, which I gave in my original answer, was that only 4 per cent. of the ships added to the U.K. register were built in European yards. When account is taken of the large number of ships built in United Kingdom yards through foreign orders, that need not cause much concern.