HC Deb 16 December 1954 vol 535 c1957
18. Mr. Morley

asked the Minister of Education the percentages of the pupils of 13 years of age in maintained and assisted schools who in January, 1954, were in grammar school streams in modern secondary schools.

Sir D. Eccles

I do not ask for returns of the number of children taking different courses at secondary modern schools.

Mr. Morley

In view of the fact that very shortly more than 1 million additional children will be entering our secondary schools, and as it is advisable that we should keep up the national average of 21 per cent. of our children receiving a grammar school education, will the Minister encourage the placing of grammar school streams in our modern secondary schools and the building of comprehensive schools?

Sir D. Eccles

There is a later Question about comprehensive schools. I think each proposal has to be looked at on its merits. I am not sure that the figure of 21 per cent. is sacred. In different areas we may have rather more or rather less.

Mr. Ede

Would the right hon. Gentleman consider getting from the local authorities in the annual returns they make to him the information asked for by my hon. Friend?

Sir D. Eccles

Yes, I will consider that.