HC Deb 16 December 1954 vol 535 cc1978-80
51. Mr. Beswick

asked the Prime Minister for how long he proposes to maintain the super-priority scheme for aircraft production; and if he is now in a position to judge the success of this scheme.

The Prime Minister

No date has yet been fixed for the ending of super-priority. There is no doubt that the scheme for aircraft, as for other weapons, has produced valuable results by giving important defence contracts the first call on valuable resources.

Mr. Beswick

But is it not difficult to appreciate these valuable results when, after three years and the expenditure of probably between £300 million and £500 million, the Royal Air Force, certainly up to a month ago, had fewer than 40 modern swept-wing aircraft of any type? Can he, therefore, regard this as satisfactory?

The Prime Minister

I am quite certain that everything in human power has been done, but whether the results have achieved all that we hoped for or wished is another matter.

Mr. de Freitas

Will the Prime Minister see that the Minister of Supply—because this is his responsibility more than that of the Secretary of State for Air—gives us some of the facts and makes a statement on this matter so that we can debate it? Scandalous amounts of money have been lost and the Air Force is deprived of these aircraft.

Mr. Wyatt

Will the Prime Minister reflect on what he would have said about the situation if he had been in Opposition when it was happening?

The Prime Minister

I am not in any way denying the right, and even the duty, of the Opposition to examine all these matters, but I hope they will do so in a spirit designed to improve the progress of our affairs rather than to make party scores.

Mr. A. Henderson

May I ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the serious statement that he has made this afternoon, from which it is clear that he is concerned about the present position; and in view of the practice—of previous Governments as well—of shielding all these facts behind the blanket of security, will the right hon. Gentleman, in the special circumstances, agree that a statement should be made by one of the Ministers concerned in the near future, so that the House may be seized of the actual facts of the situation so far as security allows?

The Prime Minister

Yes, Sir, I certainly think that full statements must be made by the Ministers concerned, but I doubt if that will take place until after Christmas. When we meet after Christmas we shall have the Estimates. It is a matter for discussion between the usual channels whether some special occasion ought also to be found.

Air Commodore Harvey

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that, while many of us are not satisfied with the situation, the Labour Party bears a great responsibility for not placing orders soon enough? Will my right hon. Friend try to give the House more information about all weapons so that we shall be able to judge the situation more accurately?

The Prime Minister

I certainly think the House is entitled to interest itself very closely in all these matters, but, I hope, fair-mindedly.

Mr. Beswick

Will the Prime Minister look into this aspect of information? Is he aware that in recent weeks his colleague at the Ministry of Supply has tightened up restrictions very considerably and that hon. Members visiting aircraft manufacturers in the ordinary course of their duty are now prevented from getting any information at all?

Mr. Speaker rose

Mr. Emrys Hughes

On a point of order. Will you tell me, Mr. Speaker, whether there is any rule that supplementary questions on these matters are to be confined to ex-Ministers?

Mr. Speaker

There is no such rule. I do my best to call hon. Members who have knowledge of the subject.

Mr. Hughes

Am I to understand, Mr. Speaker, that it is your Ruling that only ex-Service Department Ministers or hon. Members with such experience and knowledge are allowed to ask supplementary questions? Ought not such questions to be allowed from people who wish to gain knowledge?

Mr. Speaker

I must say that I exercise no such rule. I try to do my best among the many competitors seeking to ask supplementary questions. It is not always an easy task. I do the best I can.