HC Deb 08 December 1954 vol 535 cc950-1
30. Mr. T. Reid

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the cost to Her Majesty's Government of the recent military operations in Malaya up to date; and what further demands on Her Majesty's Government are likely to be made annually until law and order have been established.

Mr. Hopkinson

Exact figures are not available but since 1949 excess in the cost of supplying and maintaining the external Forces in Malaya over the cost of their maintenance in their normal stations has been in the region of £35 million to £40 million. In addition, Her Majesty's Government have made special grants to the Government of the Federation of f14 million. The cost of the emergency in future years cannot be exactly forecast.

Mr. Reid

Is not this Malayan business part of the general hot or cold war against Communist forces? Surely other countries besides Great Britain should take some part in this campaign by supplying men and money, even if the neutralists leave the rough work to others.

Mr. Hopkinson

This is, of course, part of the major Communist campaign. We must recognise the fact that both the United States and France have paid out very large sums in their own particular fields, both in Korea and Indo-China.

Mr. Reid

I was thinking more of the countries in South-East Asia, such as Australia and New Zealand. Could they not contribute some resources?